insert into api.organizations (organization_uuid, parent_organization_uuid, organization_name, organization_description, job_code_prefix) select 'de47b02d-2aac-47e2-9511-7188553935b2', 'd6d4e03e-7e88-4f69-9664-2e16da4da2b1', 'Dream Graphics', 'Dream Graphics', 'Z'; insert into api.users (user_uuid, last_name, first_name, email, user_notes) select 'f72bff37-2d38-4c14-8d5f-7603cf64364f', 'api', 'dreamgraphics', '', ''; insert into api.organization_users( organization_uuid, user_uuid, created_at, updated_at, deleted_at, user_reference_code, is_pay_by_check, default_currency_code, tax_reference_code, is_approved, is_tax_exempt, can_pickup, can_deliver, is_deactivated, is_flagged, is_banned, is_internal, is_pending, is_enabled, opt_out_email_list, organization_user_uuid, loyalty_level_uuid, contract_pricing_ratio) select (select o.organization_uuid FROM api.organizations o WHERE o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null) as organization_uuid, (select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and u.last_name = 'api') as user_uuid, now() as created_at, now() as updated_at, deleted_at, user_reference_code, is_pay_by_check, default_currency_code, tax_reference_code, is_approved, is_tax_exempt, can_pickup, can_deliver, is_deactivated, is_flagged, is_banned, is_internal, is_pending, is_enabled, opt_out_email_list, 'f44b5bcf-54bf-4628-9edc-81c3698672dd' as organization_user_uuid, loyalty_level_uuid, contract_pricing_ratio FROM api.organization_users ou WHERE ou.organization_uuid = '0d605ff0-24ac-4772-9868-87ba31afa256' AND ou.user_uuid = (select ou.user_uuid from api.organization_users ou where ou.user_reference_code = '186299' and ou.organization_uuid = '0d605ff0-24ac-4772-9868-87ba31afa256'); insert into api.organization_contacts( organization_contact_uuid, organization_uuid, user_uuid, first_name, last_name, company, is_validated, is_user_only_contact, created_at, updated_at, deleted_at, is_address_book_contact, middle_name, salutation, suffix) select '579ba2ee-dee4-47d9-8c2f-95c1d25b1232' as organization_contact_uuid, (select o.organization_uuid FROM api.organizations o WHERE o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null) as organization_uuid, (select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and u.last_name = 'api') as user_uuid, oc.first_name, last_name, company, is_validated, is_user_only_contact, created_at, updated_at, deleted_at, is_address_book_contact, middle_name, salutation, suffix from api.organization_contacts oc where oc.organization_contact_uuid = ( select oc.organization_contact_uuid from api.organization_contacts oc where = 'Dream Graphics' and oc.is_address_book_contact = 'f' and oc.organization_uuid = '0d605ff0-24ac-4772-9868-87ba31afa256' and oc.first_name = 'Irfan' and oc.last_name = 'Ozair'); insert into api.organization_contact_addresses(organization_contact_address_uuid, organization_contact_uuid, address_type_uuid, address_uuid, organization_uuid, user_uuid) select '1c0cab8e-d253-4ccb-beea-eb2b23cea0a6' as organization_contact_address_uuid, (select oc.organization_contact_uuid from api.organization_contacts oc where oc.organization_uuid = (select o.organization_uuid FROM api.organizations o WHERE o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null) and oc.user_uuid = (select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and u.last_name = 'api')) as organization_contact_uuid, 'f450648b-b472-41f7-a459-ca55a19201d7' as address_type_uuid, (SELECT a.address_uuid FROM api.addresses a WHERE a.street = '1500 Jennifer Court' and a.street2 = '' and = 'Round Rock') as address_uuid, (select o.organization_uuid FROM api.organizations o WHERE o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null) as organization_uuid, (select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and u.last_name = 'api') as user_uuid; insert into api.organization_contact_addresses(organization_contact_address_uuid, organization_contact_uuid, address_type_uuid, address_uuid, organization_uuid, user_uuid) select 'e1ed511c-6628-4db9-a5c7-759d86534a77' as organization_contact_address_uuid, (select oc.organization_contact_uuid from api.organization_contacts oc where oc.organization_uuid = (select o.organization_uuid FROM api.organizations o WHERE o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null) and oc.user_uuid = (select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and u.last_name = 'api')) as organization_contact_uuid, 'ea3725bf-2fe6-449c-9b7b-ecc2e622e27f' as address_type_uuid, (SELECT a.address_uuid FROM api.addresses a WHERE a.street = '1500 Jennifer Court' and a.street2 = '' and = 'Round Rock') as address_uuid, (select o.organization_uuid FROM api.organizations o WHERE o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null) as organization_uuid, (select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and u.last_name = 'api') as user_uuid; insert into api.organization_contact_addresses(organization_contact_address_uuid, organization_contact_uuid, address_type_uuid, address_uuid, organization_uuid, user_uuid) select 'a3ef021e-b1fa-41e5-9ca0-003cadd0236f' as organization_contact_address_uuid, (select oc.organization_contact_uuid from api.organization_contacts oc where oc.organization_uuid = (select o.organization_uuid FROM api.organizations o WHERE o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null) and oc.user_uuid = (select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and u.last_name = 'api')) as organization_contact_uuid, '872f416f-9bae-4334-b9ba-fa39798691a7' as address_type_uuid, (SELECT a.address_uuid FROM api.addresses a WHERE a.street = '1500 Jennifer Court' and a.street2 = '' and = 'Round Rock') as address_uuid, (select o.organization_uuid FROM api.organizations o WHERE o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null) as organization_uuid, (select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and u.last_name = 'api') as user_uuid; insert into api.organization_contact_addresses(organization_contact_address_uuid, organization_contact_uuid, address_type_uuid, address_uuid, organization_uuid, user_uuid) select 'af05fecf-b73b-4068-9edf-2324c79d8b2b' as organization_contact_address_uuid, (select oc.organization_contact_uuid from api.organization_contacts oc where oc.organization_uuid = (select o.organization_uuid FROM api.organizations o WHERE o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null) and oc.user_uuid = (select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and u.last_name = 'api')) as organization_contact_uuid, '218eef26-84d2-4ccd-9d67-f4eda9711ab8' as address_type_uuid, (SELECT a.address_uuid FROM api.addresses a WHERE a.street = '1500 Jennifer Court' and a.street2 = '' and = 'Round Rock') as address_uuid, (select o.organization_uuid FROM api.organizations o WHERE o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null) as organization_uuid, (select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and u.last_name = 'api') as user_uuid; update api.organizations o set primary_contact_user_uuid = (SELECT oc.user_uuid FROM api.organization_contacts oc WHERE oc.organization_uuid = (select o.organization_uuid from api.organizations o where o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null) AND oc.is_address_book_contact is false) where o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid is null; insert into api.organization_contact_info(organization_contact_info_uuid, organization_contact_uuid, contact_info_type_uuid, contact_info, is_validated, created_at, updated_at, deleted_at) select '1cdde2a2-00bd-4300-ba6d-5ab54d9c1e93' as organization_contact_info_uuid, (select oc.organization_contact_uuid from api.organization_contacts oc where oc.organization_uuid = ( select o.organization_uuid FROM api.organizations o WHERE o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid = ( select o.primary_contact_user_uuid from api.organizations o where o.organization_name = 'Dream Graphics' and o.primary_contact_user_uuid = (select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and last_name = 'api') ) ) and oc.user_uuid =(select u.user_uuid from api.users u where = '' and u.last_name = 'api') ) as organization_contact_uuid, 'd379aab3-bb8d-444d-81cd-b80ae979dd58' as contact_info_type_uuid, '' as contact_info, false as is_validated, now() as created_at, now() as updated_at, NULL as deleted_at; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------